Tuesday, September 25, 2007

English 99: Literacy Among the Ruins by Frank Gannon

Wow.. this Essay was depressing; not only were the facts about the students very sad, but the whole ordeal with the "professor" being fake, and not even helping them in the long run was ridiculous.

Answering the questions before reading the text, the one where it asks if there are different groups of people in my classes; well yeah there are, of course. In our English class we have some very outspoken people, and some very reserved people, some are more open to ideas, while some are very closed off to only their point of view. We also have classification by appearance, but its very diverse, more diverse than just jocks, foreigners and dumb popular girls.

It was difficult to come up with something they had all done. The three groups- the bored-looking girls, the jocks, and the refugees- were like three separate countries. They were all trying to get to the same general place. But they were starting from places a million miles apart.
(217 4th para). This reminds me of my high school English classes, I remember my teachers saying how difficult it was for them to teach because everyone is at different places and for some its to slow and for others it was a definite struggle. This story also made me think of how shallow many Americans are, based on the "bored-looking girls" and thew "Jocks", compared to the refugees, their worries made them look retarded.

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