Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ok.. first things first... Thank you Mr. Davis for assigning us a 3 page article.... That was awesome!!

So what does it mean to be educated? And what should it mean....? There is not one answer to these questions, unless they're very vague, which Jon Spayde's answers are. It's kind of a dumb question to ask if you are expecting one answer.

Spayde for one thinks it is unnecessary to assign a list of books to a group of students, and say to them, "Once you have read these, you will be considered smart, until then, you are pretty much dumb" or to teach student that getting the highest grade on an exam makes you the most educated. While getting good grades does indicate that you have knowledge in that area, it doesn't make you wise in all areas.

An overall education of many things, from reading books of different subjects, learning about people and how to communicate with them, learning how to cook, and just learning a skill that you are interested in is what being educated is all about in the opinion of Jon Spayde.

I myself agree that an overall knowledge is what "being educated" should be about.

to be continued...

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